Happy Holidays to everyone! I wish for health and happiness to everyone and a much better and brighter new year. Projects continue to get pushed back until the new year but some are still on course. Looking forward to getting out of 2020.
Keeping you up to date on what's going where in Southern Maryland.
Thursday, December 3, 2020
December 2020 updates
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
November 2020 Updates
I cant wait for the upcoming holidays. Not a fan of the cold and often wet weather. I'm also not a fan of it being darker when I leave the office.
Hope everyone is staying healthy and safe. Interested to see what this month brings us.
Do you still like this format? I felt like more people shared my blog posts when they were all separate. It felt like more people got informed that way. Let me know your thoughts.
And as always please be kind to each other. Time to put up the Christmas tree!
Friday, October 2, 2020
October 2020 Updates
The Fall season is here. Cooler temperatures. Leaves to clean up. Please be kind to one another.
If you want to see a business in the area please message that business and tell them you want them here. It's better to hear from the consumer. Not an agent trying to fill space.
Here's what's new..
Dollar Tree Grand Opening October 3rd in the Waldorf Shoppers World next to Harbor Freight and Aldi.
Green Turtle Grand Opening October 5th at the Wildewood Shopping Center in California, MDMonday, September 14, 2020
September 2020 Updates
Its gotten busy! The months just seem to run together now. I'm forgetting to start the new months updates! There has been a real influx of calls for people looking for spaces. Its a good time. However we have lost a few businesses to the whole virus thing. Hopefully we will gain some new and different businesses in the future.
Monday, August 24, 2020
August 2020 Updates
Hello August. There has not been much to talk about. Lots of activity in the commercial world but not too many things opening this month. It also does not help when Facebook and this blog site changes the setups and you have to relearn where everything is on the page. Good times. #choosekindness
We are now at stage three in Maryland
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
July 2020 Updates
July is here! The hot weather has come with it. Hope everybody is doing well and keeping healthy.
The warehouses will be located on Jay Gould Court and occupy a 32 acre portion of the street and an additional parcel in the park. Big win for the county.
It should be open by the end of the year for the holiday season. Jobs are available:

Monday, June 1, 2020
June 2020 Updates
Please continue to show your great spirit for Southern Maryland. Peace and love to everyone. #Choosekindness #SouthernMarylandStrong
Planet Fitness coming soon to the Fox Run Shopping Center in Prince Frederick, MD. It will be located in part of the former Kmart space. There will be several other stores incorporated into that area.
Burger M will be the replacement for Five Guys in the Rosewick Crossing Shopping Center in La Plata. Construction has started on the space.
The Cove Fish Market coming soon to the La Plata Village Shopping center near the Hallmark store.
Friday, May 22, 2020
May 2020 Updates
There has not been too much to report because most groups are still dragging their feet on opening or signing a lease. Heck I even forgot to post the May update because its been so quiet! Its expected when you don't know what the final decision is going to be on when they will allow you to open. The governor has left the decision up to the counties to decide when they want to do that. Fingers crossed it does not get any later.
Shoppers Food Warehouse located in the the St. Charles Town Plaza in Waldorf has reopened after being purchased by McKay's Grocery Store.
Had a few people ask what was going on with the old Ruby Tuesday's in Calvert. They are constructing the new Panda Express.
Arbys and Crafty Crab are in full construction mode in the St. Charles Town Plaza. No opening dates yet.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
April 2020 Updates
Many of the businesses that had planned to open have been delayed due to our recent situation. I will try to keep up with things as best as possible with the restrictions that are in place. Stay positive and stay healthy!
Have you completed the 2020 census yet? Why not?? It helps your county! Please take the time to send it in. You can do it in your pajamas.
Calvert Kettle Corn is coming to Charlotte Hall at the former Sweet Frog Location on Triangle Drive.
ATI Physical Therapy will be coming to the Rosewick Crossing Shopping Center in La Plata.
Ohms and Watts Vaping and Crit Roll Gaming will be coming to the La Plata Village Shopping Center next to Dunkin Donuts.
Sunday, March 1, 2020
March 2020 Updates
March is here! Early Spring weather or a last minute blizzard? You never know. I hope the new year has brought you good things. Stay healthy and wash those hands. Make smart decisions.
With the recent things going on in the world there are a lot of things closing for our safety. Venues, Gyms, Restaurants only able to do take out, etc. Please be patient with people. We are all in this together and we are adapting to this as quickly as possible.
Get your information from good sources to keep track of whats happening like the Center for Disease Control: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/index.html
Here's whats new:
Marshalls will have their Grand Opening April 2 at the Landing at Woodyard. 8895 Woodyard Road, Clinton, MD.
So the Shoppers food Warehouse in Waldorf will open back up as Shoppers again. I am not sure why. From what I understand it is still owned by McKays. If I hear anything else about it I will post. Have not heard about the St. Mary's site yet.

Its time for the 2020 Census. This is very important for everyone to do so we get funds for our state and counties different departments. It also give us the numbers for how many people are in the county so when those new stores and restaurants want to come they have that information. You should be getting a code in the mail soon. It takes only a few minutes to fill out. Please participate! https://2020census.gov/
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
February 2020 Updates
Hello February! Seems to be a mix of warm and cold weather going on. Its really messing with my head. Cant wait till Spring! Business continues to be good so hopefully that trend continues. Southern Maryland is the best place to live!
The Southern Area Aquatics and Recreation Complex will have its grand opening on February 29 at 1:00 p.m. It is located in Brandywine at 13601 Missouri Avenue.
Looks like we are going to loose one of our anchor tenants at the Mall. Sears has announced the closing of the Waldorf location by mid April. Sears is also closing stores in Baltimore and Annapolis at the same time.