The Town of La Plata has approved the annexation for the property on the south side of Rosewick road. The vote makes it possible for the development of the new Walmart Supercenter which will take a large part of the 14 acres that will be added to the town. The Walmart will also take over the now vacant Mitchell Supply. Besides the Walmart there will be additional office and retail built including moving the Enterprise rental car office to a new location. The new development will bring more jobs and more business to the existing Rosewick Crossing Shopping Center as well as construction jobs during development, and revenue to the Town of La Plata.
We will be working with Faison to fill the current Walmart space with new retailers such as Kohl's, Marshall's and Nick's of Clinton. We will also be working on filling vacant spaces at Rosewick Crossing. If you would like to lease space in these developments please give us a call. Below are some concept drawings of what the supercenter may look like if its passed.