Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Proposed Walmart Supercenter for Waldorf

UPDATE 7-21-16 The Walmart plan has been killed. It is not happening.  

Here are a few of the concept pics for the new super center that is planned.  Walmart and the property owners are still in with the board of appeals on this project going back and forth with changes to design and impacts to surrounding homes, etc.  Even how the building would effect home values.  As you can see they want them to put fake windows on the back of the building to make it look less ugly.  This may be one of the fanciest Wal-Marts ever built.  If it gets built.

UPDATE: Ive added a pic of the area where this will go:


  1. Thanks! Can you put a link to the 2nd photo? Also, hope they will be utilizing solar and electric vehicle charging stations at this location.

  2. Chris - Just wanted to say, thanks so much for keeping this blog going! Its really helpful to us as residents to see what's being planned for the area.

  3. Ive added an aerial for reference. The lines show proposed roads and the creek.
    Thanks for all the positive comments.

  4. But what about the other WalMart on Acton Lane? Are they keeping that one there or not? Also, the renovations they did to the LaPlata WalMart are a mess. It's so messy and congested.

  5. No they would not have two walmarts open. It would be sold or redeveloped.
    I think they did a nice job fitting the new cold foods section in. You have to do what you can when the people in town of laplata stop you from expanding.

  6. No to new Walmart. Use the land to help with congestion. Another way to get out and into Waldorf will be great.!

  7. The developers will fund part of the western parkway expansion that the county was not doing anything about.

  8. Hi Chris, Does that mean that getting a new Walmart could actually help relieve traffic congestion?

  9. Technically yes because it would have to be done if the Wal-Mart was put there. The county would still have to pay for their part of it.

  10. where is going to be the new walmart , thank you so mush chris for this blogger

  11. If approved the new Wal-Mart is near the north entrance to Charles county from Prince Georges county. Take a look at the 3rd picture for reference.

  12. Why isn't there any recreation centers in Waldorf? There's no place for the children and young adults to play basketball or any other sports. There is a court at Capital Clubhouse but it's not open to the public. Why have a court and the public cannot utilize it. I've been to other counties who have really nice recreation centers for the public. I understand that the county offers some schools as recreation centers but they can only be used at certain times. It's really sad that Charles County doesn't have a recreation center.

  13. Chris, can you respond to the email above regarding a recreation center? Thanks

  14. According to the Charles county parks and recreation site there are 8 schools and 2 other community centers serving as recreation centers open m-f after school until 9:30pm and also on Saturdays.

    Capital Clubhouse says it has basketball available every week for $5 per player.
    It is a very nice facility and has many activities available.

  15. Thank you so much for keeping the community aware of the future building projects. Do you happen to know what are the plans for the open space on Rt 5 off of Moores Road. I thought at one time a school would be built. The land was cleared, but nothing built. I was also trying to figure out if Plant City was still in business on the opposite side.

  16. I have not heard any news about that area. Lots of rumors for brandywine residential and commercial in the area but most have all gone away.

  17. Plant City was open this winter, at least I saw signs for different Christmas Items.

  18. Chris, I live in the Pinefield Development and our Facebook group said that Walmart was calling residents to get them to do a survey on if they are for or against the Walmart going in. My question is have you heard anything on what the status is for them to get final approval?

  19. There is a public hearing july 27 at 7 p.m. in the county government building to express your thoughts.


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