Sunday, March 10, 2013

Waldorf Station

A project in Waldorf that was put on the back burner for a while showed up at a recent convention we went to.  Chaney Enterprises is working once again on their Waldorf Station project.  This project involves a large portion of the Pinefield area and will incorporate the proposed lightrail project that will connect to the Branch Ave. Metro station and end in White Plains.  They would like to make it a transportation hub at the entrance to Charles County.  Included in the project are commercial and residential areas with open green areas for recreation and parks.  It will also have a park and ride and an extention of Western Parkway.  No word on when it will get started, there is still alot of planning to go.  You can see the project here:


  1. This is a TERRIBLE idea - as if the crime isn't bad enough in Charles County. Disgusted.

  2. I wouldn't be too concerned with this ever happening. Our county doesn't have the ability to look at the big picture. They keep approving every little piece of land for new shopping centers without any thought about actually planning for the future. They don't try to attract enough high paying jobs so everyone has to commute out of town to work. The congestion, traffic lights, etc are all going to just keep getting worse.

  3. Not a good idea at all....terrible mistake.

  4. I really hope the word gets out more about this project and we band together as a community to try and stop this project. I think it is a terrible idea. The crime in Charles County is already beginning to rise and I blame it on the new construction and overwhelming number of new residential buildings --- please leave Charles County the way it is. I think new shops and updating the town is wonderful - but traffic is bad enough as it is and the crime is getting scary - we dont need any more residential areas and we certainly don't need a metro stop.
    The crime will skyrocket with a gateway to and from DC.

    I sincerely hope this doesn't happen.

    I love Charles County and hate to see it turn into something ugly :(

  5. The light rail is a separate project by the state so it may take even longer to happen. It may not ever happen if there is no funding. I think that this other project may bring a little more traffic to northern Waldorf but it will also make it look much better. You may not know what properties this group owns but buildings like the waldorf restaurant and motel would go away which are big eyesores to the area. I'm on the fence about it.

  6. Is this the same as the Waldorf Crossing project but under a different name?

  7. I think it may be the same thing. Names get changed a lot.

  8. Whats the status of this project?

  9. I have not heard anything new since I went to that convention. I will see if they are back this February.

  10. Hi Chris. Do you know what the big building is going to be that is under construction on St. Patrick's Drive between Western Parkway and Smallwood Drive? It is on the same side of the street as the Valvoline and looks large enough to be a supermarket but has no sign outside indicating what it is? Thanks.

  11. Unfortunately its only a car wash. It is quite the monstrosity of a building just for car washes.

  12. Any update on the Waldorf Crossing project?

  13. Nothing lately except Wal-Mart was trying to do a super Wal-Mart out there where the old embassy dairy was. Apparently the unions are fighting it.


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