Sunday, March 3, 2013

Waldorf Route 5 Upgrade

I mention this because its going to cause alot of traffic and you gotta be ready for it.  This summer the SHA will begin work on a 350 ft right turn lane and bycycle lane on the north side of route 5 (Leonardtown rd.).  They will also upgrade the traffic light sidewalks and repave the intersection.  They expect it to take all year and maybe into early 2015 pending any problems that could arise.  So if this is your main route to work and back I would seriously consider starting to look for other options now.


  1. So what is the purpose of this 350 ft turn lane?? I know that there is a lot of traffic on Route 5 on Saturday mornings, but it seem like extending the light for the traffic crossing 301 would be would alleviate the congestion without enduring the expense and inconvenience of new construction.

  2. I guess they believe that the cars waiting to turn right are one of the main issues at this intersection. The real problem as you stated is the poor timing of the traffic lights. I don't understand a lot of what the SHA does. They have put up miles of new guardrails recently on 301 but yet fail to repair one section on 225 for the past 3+ years and put concrete barriers up and eliminated the shoulder which made it worse.

  3. This is slightly off-topic, but do you know of any plans to EVER fix the railroad crossing just before that interaction? Or are they afraid that fixing it would allow drivers to speed through that section of Leonardtown Road? Just curious...and thanks for the blog. It's very helpful!

  4. I saw some work going on at the old Bennigan's site. Is something else going in there? Also it appears some work was being done at the Shops at Waldorf next to Bob's furniture (right side). Any idea what's going there?

  5. I dont know of any work that will be done to the crossing. Unfortunately I dont have any contacts with CSX that could tell me.

  6. The old Bennigans is getting a new roof. An investor bought it and is looking for a tenant. I was just in there wednesday and its like time stopped in 2008 when it closed.

  7. Chris

    Do you know anything about the new eatery call Grill No.13 going next to Snap Fitness?

  8. I noticed the Clarion Hotel closed behind the Target in Waldorf. What do they plan to do with that site.?


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