Thursday, December 29, 2011

Holly Tree Center and other updates

I figure an update is in order as things wind down in 2011 so here are a few things that I have been asked about.
Holly Tree Center shown above is a retail center on route 301 next to Popeye's that should start seeing its tenants begin space construction next month.  The tenants currently lined up are from left to right: Dairy Queen Ice Cream, Nail Salon, Women's wig and hair accessories, Benny's and 7-11.  There is one more space available.

There is a building going up on Rt 925 just south of Pembrooke center.  That will be a doctors office which should be complete by spring.

Community Bank is mid construction on their admin building located behind their current building near the corner of 301 and route 5.

The new Waldorf library next to Boston's will be complete by July 2012

Laugh out loud center will be replaced by Chuck E Cheese and a fitness center at Charles County Plaza

In La Plata, the Chipotle will open around March 1st and will be joined by Sweet Frog frozen yogurt. 

If there is anything else out there you want to know about or are interested in becoming a tenant please let us know.  If you have not done so already, please join our Facebook page as well.  2012 looks to be very promising.  We hope you have a safe and wonderful New Year and we appreciate your business.


  1. Hi Chris I live in the Brandywine area, and I read the Anonymous comments about the new theater chain coming to this area. First off, are the things he or she is saying true and second have you look into this company at all. I would appreciate any and all comments. Thanks.

  2. Unfortunately I have never dealt with this theater before. This is the first location in Maryland. I have gone thru online reviews and don't see anything that sticks out real negative about them. Other than 3 theaters in their early years they build brand new buildings. They are a smaller company with only 26 in existence shown on their site. As far as some of the comments about their look I think painting a concrete floor is a bad idea anyway, it wears out and its more maintenance. I don't know how many great escape theaters that poster has been in since the closest one is in PA. Who knows, they could have been a rep from AMC! Hopefully things will turn out for the better and it will be a nice addition to the center.

  3. I can say that I spoke from experience with the chain coming into Brandywine. The company doesn't care about the guest experience, and they don't take care of the maintenance of their buildings. While its different now they were opening buildings with all old used equipment. They would routinely lie to avoid paying unemployment and it took them a long time to pay bills. They are second rate in every way. The floors were just an example because every chain has the floors painted in newer locations and that's just one example of something they don't do. You certainly won't get a first class experience there and its very unfortunate that they are coming in here. The people that run the company don't care about the guest experience and when faced with competition like they will be here they really start to cut corners. Expect long lines and corners to be cut everywhere. I doubt they will end up pulling the trigger on Brandywine since AMC is renovating. They come in wherever they can run at a minimum level of service and where they don't have any competition.

  4. That is unfortunate news. I hope they don't cut corners but the good thing is that I do not have to go there. I can take my business elsewhere. I try to give a new business one or two chances and if that does not go well then I keep it moving.

  5. I am hoping the Brandywine theatre will be better than their other locations.

    I will give them a chance but if I see the issues you have mentioned all we can do is send complaint emails to their HQ (sometimes that does work)

  6. Sometimes they start off strong and then once they get up and running that's when things really start to get bad. Especially with AMC renovating their location it will affect the new theatre's business and this is when you all will really see things come to light. Complaining to the home office of the new company will get you nowhere and nothing will change. It's run by a bunch of unprofessional people who don't have a clue what it takes to actually make a successful theatre. What you see from them a lot of times are they open up somewhere that there isn't any competition so people don't have anywhere else to go. Then once they have the market cornered they don't have to do anything to keep people coming outside of the bare minimum. It's really not the way to run a business. The AMC renovation is a good thing and should bring a much better experience. It's too bad that Bow Tie pulled out. Brandywine Crossing isn't the best place for a new theatre anyway. I guess we'll have to wait and see if they actually end up pulling the trigger and build there. The AMC news came after the theatre was already announced so it wouldn't surprise me to see them pull out of the deal anyway.

  7. Only time will tell but I do agree that the location may not be the best. The traffic at Brandywine Crossing is a nightmare; especially on weekends! I only patronize the Bone Fish Grill and thats during the week.

    AMC renovations are long overdue but I also found out last week that the mall plans to add some more eateries and retail stores. They plan to start renovations in March.

    On the Friday before Christmas I did go to St. Charles Mall and I actually had a very good time; yes it was very crowded. The variety of brand names stores seems to be increasing and the environment seems alot better. But I am still waiting for something my age group needs like a Banana Republic or Johnson & Murphy. But it is going in the right direction.

  8. I'm glad that the mall is adding stores and eateries. I honestly haven't been inside of the mall for a while. I know there have been some vacancies for a while so it will be nice to see some activity there. Any word on what might be going in?

    The Brandywine location is something like the third proposed new theatre in the area. The Marketplace had one proposed where Walgreens is which was supposed to be Hoyt's before they went bankrupt and Consolidated Theatres was looking to put a 16 screen theatre in the Waldorf Towne Center project by Peterson group that hasn't been built, but they were bought by Regal.

    I saw some construction going on at the building in the Shops at Waldorf where the Wings To Go used to be. Any word on what's going in there?

  9. When is the chipotle and wild wings scheduled to open?

  10. I just received a postcard in the mail from Buffalo Wild Wings. They are opening January 16th. First 100 customers receive a full year of wings free.

    Not sure about Chipotle.

  11. Yes buffalo had said mid January so they are on track, Chipotle i am waiting from an answer from the landlord. I would estimate around 3 months to complete it.

  12. Landlord says Chipotle should open around March 1st.

  13. Do you know what fitness center is opening up in there?

  14. Interesting story involving Great Escape the company going in at Brandywine. They are significantly behind on their rent (over 1 million dollars) at the 14 screen location in Harrisburg, PA. This location was opened in 2008 and they were granted a rent reduction temporarily. They didn't resume paying regular rent after the period ended and now owe that as well as the percentage of gross sales that they have also failed to pay or provide the numbers to the landlord. They have threatened to close it and remove the digital projection equipment if the landlord doesn't forgive the amount owed and agree to reduce the rent. This is the type of company they are! I hope the landlord at Brandywine takes notice because it won't do the business they expect since AMC is renovating St Charles.

  15. @Chad I heard it was Planet Fitness but it could have changed.

    @Anonymous AMC is putting a bandaid on the problem with their theatre and unless they hire more then the service will be the same. If people have another choice they will go to Brandywine. It seems like they may have overbuilt for the small PA town.

  16. The problem with the Waldorf theatre isn't the number of staff. The biggest problem is the theatre itself being so outdated. $4.5 million isn't a bandaid by any stretch of the imagination - it's a significant investment in a theatre that was mismanaged and run into the ground by Loews. The announced renovations at the Waldorf theatre will provide a very unique experience and will bring the theatre up to date with a significant investment. Also the crowd that goes to movies in Waldorf is a pretty big problem too. Hopefully with the renovation more people will come back to the theatre here and the type of crowd may improve. So many people go outside of Waldorf to see movies.

    Great Escape certainly did probably overbuild in Harrisburg. However the way they are handling it is certainly unprofessional at the least. If they were overwhelmed they could have attempted to negotiate with the landlord instead of hold them hostage. This is the kind of thing that happens in the business with these smaller companies. It's a tough business and takes a lot to make it profitable. A larger chain can support it's theatres that are losing money by it's other profitable locations until they can either renegotiate the rent or dispose of it. When you have a smaller chain the money is much less and all they can do are tactics like that.

    They may very well open Brandywine strong but once they realize that the crowds won't be as big as they could have projected due to the renovation of the existing theatre that's when they will really cut back things like service and upkeep.

    To keep it in perspective AMC announced that they would spend $4.5 million on the renovations. Great Escape typically spends around $8 million on new builds. That should give some insight into the materials that they use and how they can cut corners.

  17. Anonymous, can you provide a link or some documentation to back up what you post. Thanks

  18. Gabe,
    Here is the link to the story about their Harrisburg location.

  19. From what I'm reading its not Great Escape that is trying to change the lease its this company that owns the Great Escape franchise which is Ragains who apparently is tied into Alliance that has 300 theaters. So I dont think Great Escape is the problem here, its the franchiser.

  20. Raigains and Alliance are the same company. That is the name of the parent company and Great Escape is how they brand their theatres. Outside of some of the movie grill type businesses, movie theatre companies do not franchise at all. There are no AMC, Regal, Cinemark, etc franchisees. I know it's confusing. Raigans is the last name of the woman that owns Alliance Entertainment, which operates the Great Escape Theatres brand. I hope that makes sense! Also it's not 300 theatres that they own - it's probably 300 screens (for example there are 14 screens at one theatre). Regal has over 500 theatres, AMC has over 300 theatres, etc.

  21. Hi Chris , its Anonymous from Brandywine and, I was wondering, when is the Great Escape schedule to open. I have had a lot of people ask me about the forthcoming theater, and they are as exited as I am about someone finally building a state of the art all digital movie house.

  22. P.S. Anonymous sounds like he works for AMC, by the response he gave Chris, concerning the AMC band-aid comment.

  23. Any word on what will happen to the current site of the La Plata Walmart when the new one opens?

  24. I don't have a date yet for when they will open. I should have something soon. As for AMC they are going to apply for a liquor license for the theatre and that is the biggest mistake I have ever heard!

  25. If Walmart does happen and more people that want it will come out and vote than those who don't, the old store will be renovated and turned into 3 or 4 smaller stores. We have commitment letters from several retailers including Kohl's and Nick's. It will be a nice shopping center when complete with stores people have asked for in the past. Either that or the townsfolk will come out with torches and pitchforks in hand and kill it.

  26. Lots of theater chains are starting to sell liquor. Usually its done in a very controlled environment. Mazza Gallerie does, a theater in Fairfax does. The restaurant theaters do too. They might be thinking about doing one of those here with the possibility of a new theater. Btw Great Escape did bars in some of their new locations.

  27. I hope LaPlata residents approve the SuperWalmart. It will generate additional retailers who want to be near all the retail traffic. If not, I hope they can find another location in Charles County, even if it is down near Bel Alton.

    Not sure if I like liquor being sold at the AMC either; I can see things getting out of hand. I would prefer they put their efforts into added an IMAX which may mean taking over part of their side parking lot.

    Also, do you know what is going next to the childrens clothing store by Christmas Tree Shop? I see they are changing the exterior with a new facade.

  28. I can't see any downside to the Walmart Supercenter. It's a great thing for the area!

    As for the liquor at AMC I don't think it's a bad idea at all. They do it at many other locations and it's pretty tightly controlled. They use a wristband system and there is a limit of (I believe) two drinks per customer. Liquor is offered in many other places so it's not like it's anything new.

    We may not even get an IMAX at all. There are a lot more in the area than there used to be and there is typically a mileage restriction on where they like to put them. Hoffman has one already and there is one going in at Cap Center so Waldorf may be too close to those two in order for IMAX to be interested.

  29. I feel you on the SuperWalmart.

    If the AMC can control the alcohol purchases then it may work.

    There are 3 IMAX theatres in DC alone and VA and Largo are still a good drive especially on weekends. Southern MD can accommodate an IMAX and attract alot of customers; especially when you consider the mall will be bringing in new retailers and eateries in 2012 (or so they say).

  30. I heard that Great Escape pulled out of the Brandywine Crossing project. Any word on this? I guess they got scared off by the renovation of the theatre by the mall.

  31. I was just with the shopping center developers last week for a convention. They are clearing the land now, I havent heard anything like that.

  32. The title information was just filed for the theatre. They are going to build. Perhaps people are mistaken with the old theater that was going there.

  33. Alright, I am getting a bit fed up with this Anonymous guy spouting this nonsense about the new theater chain. Clearly his ramblings about Great Escape are tainted, I can easily see this by such optimism he has for the AMC theater when he speaks about it.

    As for the Harrisburg thing, I hope you enjoy the information the article fed you. If you actually knew anything about what lease agreements the theatre and the mall had in place, and the actual state of the mall, you might not be so quick to your lynching of them. If you stopped and thought about it, why would a mall go to a paper and tell them this? You think this reporter 'discovered' this? You have no idea, NONE, what you are talking about.

    The Brandywine theater will open, everyone will love it, the service will be great, and you will hate it. Just stop coming to this blog to even try and plant the seed of doubt into Mr. Shasho or the people of Brandywine's mind.

    And if it counts for anything, I can tell you that AMC and Regal have by far a much worse reputation than Great Escape. Just go ahead and chew on this: AMC is only doing this rennovation because of the Great Escape coming aboard. They didn't do it because the people around there deserved better, or because they really thought it was just time to upgrade. If I lived near there, I would be outright insulted.

  34. Is the Dairy Queen still coming to Holly Tree Center?

  35. Yes, it will be ice cream products only, no burgers.

  36. Chris

    I saw a sign at a gas station on 228 saying Dairy Queen coming soon. Is that the same one that was going to Holly Tree Center/old Arbys?

  37. I am not sure. I have it seen that sign on 228. My franchisers didn't mention it Ill check on it thanks.

  38. Found this on the DQ website:

    DQ / ORANGE JULIUS (Coming Soon)10195 BERRY RD

  39. Looks like just Ice cream inside the gas station "food court" I am still working with DQ on sites but it has been tough.


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