Thursday, January 7, 2016

New Office Building Coming to White Plains

200th Post! We are excited to add a fourth building to the White Plains Corporate Center.  This 60,000 square foot 3 story building will be constructed next to our flex space to the rear of the property.  Plans are to start construction later this year.  The building will have two elevators and solar panels on the roof.  We can begin to take reservations immediately.


  1. HI Chris have you heard anything about the opening of Carolina Kitchen? I noticed the sign is down and no construction has started.

  2. What an awesome project! It's always exciting to me to see solar panels being incorporated into buildings.

  3. Carolina Kitchen is a real mystery. I am worried they have skipped out on the lease. I have sent a message to someone I think runs those restaurants in the area but have not received a response yet.

  4. Hey Chris do you know if the gas station on Leondardtown road by the Tropical Cafe is closed? Do you think Royal Farms would be interested? It is a high traffic area.

  5. Royal wants corners. We are working with them on a few sites now. I don't know what's up with the gas station. Perhaps they didn't renew their license with the gas company. Its odd that BP just fixed up their pumps right down the street in front of a trashy looking building.

  6. OK Now that I think about it, I did see Exxon signs up so maybe they will become an Exxon.

  7. Hey Chris,

    Have you heard anything about the land that McKays was supposed to move into in Charlotte Hall? They cleared the land a year or 2 ago now and nothing has happened in a while.

  8. Long story but as of right now it is not being built. They are still marking the property for other users.

  9. Chris, I heard a rumor that there is a Royal Farms going in in Brandywine at the corner of Hwy 5 and Moore Ave. Is this true or not? If so I hope they are doing lots of road improvements so that it does not become yet another area of Hwy 5 that will be congested and have lots of accidents.

  10. They are planning on putting a station there but it has not been finalized. I try not to mention things until they are set in stone. Tenants ask me not to disclose things until they have purchased the property. I'm sure they will have to do a few things to the entrance. Not sure if they will be granted access directly off of the highway.

  11. From looking at SHA road upgrade plan, Royal Farms would be viable at that location but unsure if the state may step in to further road expansion plans in that area


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