Friday, December 8, 2023

December 2023 Updates

 Ah December!  A time for holidays, gift-giving, feasting, spending time with loved ones, reflecting on the past year and setting goals for the new year.  Did we meet our goals from this year? I hope you did and I hope you had a great year as well. I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday and a happy new year.

Things get a little slow at the end of the year but should get back on track in January.  Lots of stuff still caught up in permits.  

Chipotle now open in Charlotte Hall 30030 Three Notch Road.

The Local restaurant opens December 15th. 25188 Three Notch Road, Hollywood MD

Beauty Island is taking over the former Bed Bath and Beyond space at Waldorf Shoppers World.
Hot Chickn Kitchn is coming to Waldorf Marketplace 3054B next to Navy Federal Credit Union.
There is a new building going up next to the Panda Express on north Prince Frederick Blvd. The largest tenant will be a walk in medical center.

The former BB&T location at Wildewood Center has been leased to a place called Tia's Cantina. 23415 Three Notch Road.


  1. Chris, any way you can fill us in on the future prospects, like a list of those caught up in permit processing? We realize some might fizzle out.

    1. Why do so many people think they need to be privy to everything?bif you filed for a permit to build something, would you want all your neighbors being in your business?

    2. When contemplating whether I should continue living in this county, given the rising crime, risk taxes, and lack of amenities, it’s useful to understand what the county is gaining. I think we should absolutely know what new stores and restaurants are coming into the community.

    3. It's not yo bizniss.

  2. Hi Chris,

    Hubs noticed some construction going where Grille 13 was. Whats happening there?

  3. Hi Chris,
    Could you let us know what that bldg being built behind the Chick fil a and the Panda express. Also, will Calvert ever see an Aldi in the county?

    1. Does anybody read? It's LITERALLY in his post. SMH!

    2. He occasionally updates his posts with newer info. It may not have been included when the other person asked the question.

    3. Sure. Defend those who are too lazy to read.

  4. Grill 13 is getting something called King Pot but there is no information anywhere or a website.

    I'm always afraid to put anything out that isn't in stone because I don't want to put out misinformation or get people riled up for nothing. I also have some developers that don't want me to announce anything until they do.

  5. I wish we could get some clubs round here. Day should put metro down here too. Then we could get the football joint.

  6. I posted some stuff after they asked.

    There have been several clubs here and people get bored with them after 6 months and they go away.

  7. Replying to a previous post, there are plans for a Aldi at Dares Beach and Solomons Rd. Where the middle school use to be. Somewhere there as a release showing where everything was going to bult.

  8. Clubs? Terrible idea. That will bring more crime to the area that we already cannot afford.

    1. You just don't like the shade of people that enjoy clubs one would assume. Happy Holidays.

    2. Can you debate this and prove a point without resorting to race? You already lost your argument.

    3. Guilty as charged. People of color enjoy clubbing, it's a cultural thing. Your immediate rush to link clubs to crime and violence is straight up an attack therefore on people of color. I win.

  9. Chris thank you for ALL the information you have given us throughout the year. Your voluntary time and energy are greatly appreciated. May you and yours have a blessed holiday season!

  10. Is there anything new as far as the timetable for Aldi and Chick-Fil-A in Charlotte Hall? Originally, it was going around that the current tenants at the market would need to be moved out by now, but there's been no sign of that.

  11. There hasn't been any update from the developers yet on charlotte hall businesses.

  12. Any word on what is holding up the Sheetz in Charlotte Hall?

  13. The Sheetz in Charlotte Hall goes before the planning folks in St. Mary's on Jan 8th (I think thats the date) for a Public Hearing, so depending how that goes that night we may or may not be getting the Sheetz.


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