Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Waldorf Station First Concept

Here we have our first look at the concept plans for the Waldorf Station mixed use project.  This is the property that was formerly the Waldorf hotel and restaurant, The Chaney building, and Embassy dairy.
This first plan below shows the retail and office areas of the project.  On the top left is part of the residential apartment area.  It also shows the planned extension of Western Parkway making its way out to Route 301.  Overall the proposed plan will have 226,600 sf of retail, 226,500 sf of office, 689 apartment units, and 100 town houses.  It will extend across Route 301 and fill in the area between Mattawoman Beantown Road (Rt 5) and Sub-Station Road which will be mostly apartments and the town houses with some office.  Greenberg Gibbons has a coming soon date of Spring 2019. No tenants have been announced yet.  These plans are subject to change.  This is a long term project that will take years to finish.
West side of Waldorf Station

South entrance retail shops

North entrance retail and office with proposed grocery store

Overall plan East and West sides of project.


  1. So if approved, in this preliminary idea, does this mean the county and state has essentially given up on any type of bypass and/or overpass construction along MD 301 through Waldorf?

    Why not continue Western Parkway into PG county coming out near Wawa?

  2. More dense trafic...they need to create some type of overpass onto route 5 first

  3. Yes the bypass is pretty much dead. The different ways they were going to bring it around Waldorf always dumped the traffic in la plata which didn't make any sense.

  4. From what I have heard PG does not have any interest in doing a road together. It does not benefit them.

  5. Do you know anything about the Hughesville revitalization plan as of yet?

  6. Yeah or the new mckays in charlotte hall yet

  7. Hi Chris! Any more news about the Acton Lane/ Old Washington Road area? Last I heard was the county was doing a study on that area for transit (?), retail and condos.

  8. More apartments and townhouses, is there ever going to be condo's for sale in Waldorf?

  9. I haven't heard much more about the Waldorf revitalization plan for old Washington road. Unless light rail comes I don't see it happening anyway.

    Good question about condos. I don't do residential so I don't know if there are any coming to the market but ill look around.

    no word on mckays yet.

  10. Is the Wal-Mart replacement store no more?

  11. Are they working any other sites or expanding existing store?

    1. No they have given up in Charles county for now.

  12. With the bypass discontinued, what is the intent for the light rail?

  13. Are there any updates on the light rail coming to Charles County?

  14. Maybe 30 years from now. There is a group fighting for it but its going to take a long time. It would go from waldorf to the branch avenue metro.

  15. Have we knew population and income data that would attract the Wegmans-Harris Teeter anchor stores? This new development planned for 301/5 looks like a Teeter might be attractive to them. Teeter seems to be attracted to the mixed use set ups (condo/apartments/business config and Wegman more in a large retail area. But honestly I would kill to have a Wegmans over a Teeter in terms of an overall shopping experience. Teeter does good in the fresh fruits/veggie/breads/hot foods to go area but falls short in the lane shopping.

  16. I understand Wegmans likes a large lunch crowd, and that depends on lots of local businesses, and we don’t have that. Jim Jarboe and his union, along with Giant Food, Shoppers and Safeway killed of the chance of a Walmart Superstore in Charles County. Our dollars will go to Prince George’s and King George Counties, and the lower income people in Charles who can’t afford transportation will have to put up with the higher prices that the major chains charge.

  17. Chris, reading into the last reply about Walmart not coming to Waldorf/Charles County leads me to believe that maybe they are considering the two PG county commercial lots that are on the corners of 301 and Cedarville across from WaWa and 7/11 stores. Any truth to my suspicion? Also any new info on that Timothy Creek development that is building the road from the former HH Greg distribution warehouse to the back of the Carmax store? I did see that they have cleared for than just the road portion so I assumed that maybe it was sold to a developer and they are starting construction on the multi family units or something else.

  18. I was actually searching for any new info on the villages of timothy branch today and have not found anything new. The property was still on the market. They are doing some clearing by the gas station which is labeled as part of the overall property. Not sure what its for. The road is going to get completed back there but as far as anything else I cant say.

  19. I believe the area up by the gas station is going to be a buffer zone from the traffic on 301/5 hwy because they are putting a large amount of dirt where they cleared. The cleared area that I am referring to is on the back road by the HH Gregg warehouse. Across from the warehouse they have cleared two large lots which would be large enough for a housing area. You can also see where the new road is going in now that they have cleared that path. Thank you for looking into this. Your blog is wonderful for us that like to know what is happening in our area.

  20. The closest Wegman's will get is a new one at the Hoffman Center in Alexandria, looks like 3 or 4 yrs from now. What we need in the Waldorf area is a brewery. We have a distillery and 4 wineries in Brandywine/Baden area.

  21. Yes to a brewery!!

  22. Nothing new. Western parkway needs to be finished so they may be waiting for that. We are still working on a hotel and office building for the site.

  23. please please put a Wegmans and White Plains Maryland or Waldorf

  24. I've heard that Wegmans was interested in a waldorf location but, Charles County officials frustrated them enough that they decided against it.

  25. Not true. Wegmans will not come due to the amount of workers that leave the county.

  26. what is latest for this project

  27. Saw the group a few weeks ago. Not much to report. Still waiting on the Western Parkway expansion as well.

  28. Any updates on this project?

  29. Not really. Still waiting on the road.

  30. Do you think that the bypass will be brought back if they built it as part of a larger highway to bypass DC as part of the Washington Eastern Bypass? I feel like if there was something larger and more big picture that benefits the state and nation more that it would get off the ground.


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