Wednesday, March 15, 2017

North Waldorf Demolition

So lots of questions about all the demolition of the Waldorf Motel, Restaurant and apartments. Greenberg Gibbons has purchased the 145 acres that was owned by Chaney Enterprises.  They plan to do a mixed use development and bring high quality tenants to the area.  You will also see the demolition of the Chaney building north of Sonic.  A plan is still being developed for the property and I'm sure it will have input from the county as well.  This will be a great gateway development into the county.


  1. I'm excited. Have high hopes for this based on the way Waugh Chapel turned out. Fingers crossed for Wegmans to be attracted to the site. Not excited for the increase traffic congestion though.

  2. This lamb would like an Apple Store. If Woodbridge can have one, so can we.

  3. Chris - what is going on with the proposed complex off of East Billingsley? There's been a sign up there for years.

  4. The corner across from blue crabs sign? They are still working on tenants besides 7-11.

  5. What's going next to the Mr. Tire in La Plata across from Enterprise? Also any chance Charles county will be getting a Sheetz?

  6. The owner wants to do a car wash there. They have not put an plan into the county from what I have heard.

  7. Sheetz does not have any plans to come to the area yet.

  8. Any idea about north waldorf demolition. When will they start building. What is coming there.

  9. Hi Chris,
    A bit off topic do you have any information about Sharpersville Road (MD 867)? Why it's closed. Will it ever be opened again? Having this road opened could take so much pressure off of MD 5 in Brandywine. Do you know of any plans for roads to cross Mattawoman Creek between Gardner Road and Bealle Hill Road. Cheers,

  10. Greeenburg Gibbons doesn't have Waldorf Station in their list of properties.

  11. Probably because they have no development plan yet for the project.

    William I have not been able to find anything on the Roads you talked about. Sorry for the delay in response.


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