Tuesday, August 14, 2012

New Updates

Just a few updates on some things I get alot of questions about:

Mom's Organic Market has begun construction and they finally put up a coming soon banner.  They should open in a few months, no set date yet.

Roomstore will close and Bobs Furniture will be taking over their spot.  They are the 8th largest conventional furniture store group and currently have 42 stores.

My Doctor Urgent care will reopen very soon, they had a change of management and will be back with their quick service and short wait times. http://www.mydocurgentcare.com                              Like their facebook page:

Brandywine Crossing: Great Escape Movie Theater will open early Spring 2013, the rest of the shops will open fall 2013 or sooner.  Tenants include Philly flash, McDonalds, Hanabi Japanese Steakhouse, and Cheddar's.  Potential tenants include Fuddruckers, Advanced Auto, Carolina Kitchen and Einstein Bagels.  Those are not final so don't get excited yet!

Great Escape Concept Drawing

Cheddar's Concept Drawing
All drawings subject to change without notice

Rosewick Crossing: Qdoba Mexican Grill has signed a lease for an end cap in the shopping center next to game stop.  We are also working a deal for pizza hut carry out and a few other tenants.

Walmart Supercenter is still on hold pending a court hearing for the annexation into the town of La Plata.  We should know something in the next 30 to 60 days.

Sweetfrog Frozen Yogurt in La Plata will open August 30th  They are now hiring.

Dont forget to like our facebook page!

Thanks for all your comments, I appreciate them.  Send me some business so I can keep it going.  If you are a residential agent we are happy to give referrals if you have clients buying homes in the area and they want to open businesses.  You send them to us and if they execute a lease or a contract, you get a check!


  1. Thanks for the updates. It's nice to know what's going on.

  2. This is all good news. Also I noticed this morning that Bray and Scarff is opening next to the Big Screen store in Waldorf.

  3. Will they ever put a Metro line out to Waldorf?

  4. I attended a town hall with Rueben Collins a few weeks ago and it seems Metro is decades away; the most plausible transit option would be light rail which is also many years away. Not sure why the State is not seeing the need to better transit options for Southern Maryland but it is getting very frustrating seeing how we are continually overlooked. Even the Nice Bridge issue is not being addressed.

  5. You are correct Harris, we are basically the red headed stepchild of maryland, We are in Washigton D.C.s backyard and send all of our people to work there but get no return. We have enough busses leaving here to show a need but they don't make an effort. I also received an email about teleworking centers and if we had any or were there plans for one in the area. Unfortunately the ones we had closed due to funding being pulled.

  6. Well I am sure the State doesn't mind collecting our stepchild tax dollars every year.

    I will ask about telework centers at the next townhall meeting on the 27th; I am sure the county can do something in tandem with the federal govt. Maybe the location was not amiable for most workers...I think something on 301 may be better in Waldorf or even White Plains. I use to go to the center in Smallwood Village but it seemed cramped and very outdated.

    This county has to be more creative if they want better results. You can't do it all Chris:)

  7. Thank you Chris for consistently giving us updates on whats going on in Southern Maryland. I have been reading your blog for about a year now and I have been able to learn a lot about the qualification needed for certain store to come to the area and etc. Keep the updates coming. I want to see Charles County grow and prosper just like any other county. Thanks again :)

  8. Hi Chris, I was wondering, on the blueprint sketch of Brandywine Crossing Phase 2, a Navy Federal Credit Union was list as one of the future tenants. Are they still coming to the area?

  9. Thanks Harris, I have plenty of space for the government to fill. Perhaps te new economic development head will have some ideas as well.

    Anonymous thanks for your comments, I will keep going as long as I can.

    Big John the federal credit union has backed out, we are looking for another credit union to fill its spot, or another pas site user.

  10. Any word on the Roy Rogers in La Plats?

  11. I have not heard anything about Roy's lately. I will have to check in to see whats going on.

  12. Hi Chris, I just wanted to say thank you for this site. I hate it when I see construction but no sign saying what it's going to be. I was wondering about 2 locations... Is Hubbard's still going to open and is anything going in the old Chuck E Cheese?

  13. I am really not sure if Hubbards will open or not. They were trying to get a liquor license and I think were denied. They are opening one in brandywine as well and its taking forever.

    The former Chuck E Cheese will become a Genghis Grill. They are currently resizing the space to fit them.
    Thanks for the comments!

  14. How do you apply for the sweet frog in la plata. I see you posted that it is now hiring but at the store there is no here to apply and online there is no where to apply

  15. Any update on the abandoned Arby's building in Waldorf? I remember you mentioned you were trying to get Dairy Queen to move in there.

  16. Arbys is still pending a court decision about who owns the actual building. No word yet on then they will have a decision. Gotta love the judicial system.

  17. That's interesting. Its pretty embarassing to the Arbys brand that the franchise went bankrupt and there wasn't interest by someone else to take them over and run them as an Arbys.

  18. Chris

    This morning I noticed movers placing new grey grocery carts in the former Hollywood Video store near Quiznos. Do you know if a store is planning to open at that location?

  19. Nevermind, I just found out its going to be a Halloween City store.

  20. Ok, I was going to say it must be temporary since no work was done in the store. We just did a Spirit Halloween store in the old American Hardware on Crain highway.

  21. Chris

    Did Hobby Lobby ever express an interest in coming to the Waldorf/LaPlata area?

  22. They have been down in the past but not recently that I know of. If we get the super walmart deal done in La Plata they could be a good fit when we split up the old walmart space. Have to wait and see. I have a few updates coming up soon.

  23. Hi Chris,

    What happened to the Qdoba Mexican Grill in LaPlata? It's closed with a sign on the door. Will they be back? I never even had a chance to try it.

  24. They pulled out because they were supposed to do a second store as per their franchise agreement but they didn't have the money to do it.

  25. Thanks Chris. Wow! That's a shame. I hope we get something good there that stays. It's such a nice shopping center. I hate to see all the vacant spaces.

  26. If the Superwalmart happens across the street it will fill up quick. We should know something about that in a couple of months.


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