Wednesday, January 11, 2012

BB&T Bank - White Plains

BB&T has begun site work on their new White Plains branch.  This free standing location will be located at the corner of Crain Highway South and Stanhaven Place in the White Plains Corporate Center.  The branch currently on Theodore Green Blvd. will relocate here.


  1. Do you know if the Holiday Inn still plans to open there as well?

  2. No, unfortunately the owner of that hotel backed out.

  3. Hi Chris, I really appreciate your blog and all of your updates.

    This is totally off subject but have there been any developments in any road/highway projects in the area. As we ALL know it is slow torture coming in and out of Waldorf via route 5/301 and 210/210. I am no business expert but I think that having flowing traffic in and out of Waldorf would bring MORE business to the area and more residents to the neighborhoods, thus more revenue and property taxes.

    Do you know of any efforts in this area? If not, do you know how we (the citizens) can become more involved in making something happen?

    Again, it is off topic but indirectely related to everything.

    Thanks :)

  4. As of now there are no road projects that I know of. The County Commissioners have halted the final piece of the Cross County Connector which would have given a straight path from 210 to Leonardtown rd. They site enviornmental impact as their reasoning. Its one of the most dangerous roads in the area. The State Highway just completed the expansion of turning lanes at billingsley and 301 which was a good improvement. The only thing you can do is voice your opinion to the county commissioners: and let them know you want better roads. Thanks for your comments, they are always appreciated. If any road projects do come up I will post them.

  5. Don't we already have a straight path from 210 to Leonardtown Rd?
    I'm confused or am I in a time warp?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Chris - Do you know if Charles County is going to put together an effort to entice the FBI to relocate to southern Maryland? I know Fairfax and PG are putting in bids. The only thing we don't have is a metro but we have plenty of land and potential for light rail if we play it right. Just seems as though the county waits for things to happen instead of being proactive...gets a little frustrating.

  8. We have 228 that gets pretty jammed up and leads right into Waldorf but this connector would a straight path of 2 lanes both ways and end much further into Indian head. Leonardtown rd. needs some of the pressure off it it for sure.

  9. We don't see the FBI considering coming down here because we don't have the infrastructure they want with regards to rail and metro. Honestly light rail wont be here for many years so I wouldn't put to much thought into it.

  10. Chris, Will they ever build a Super Walmart down here in Waldorf? Do you know if more burger restaurants are coming to Waldorf. What is the status on the new movie theater?

  11. We have not been able to find a large enough piece of property for waldorf to go super. Their current site has no room for growth. I am currently working on Dairy Queen grill and chill for Waldorf but it takes time for approvals. Brandywine will get a few new restaurants with the new expansion. I heard AMC theatre has gone to the county with plans but I dont think they have started yet. The one in Brandywine is clearing the land right now. I will be at a shopping center convention next week to go after some new tenants, hopefully we will make a few deals.


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