Friday, November 11, 2011

Blair Center Ready for its makeover

Construction has begun at the Blair Center for the much needed renovation.  The center will have a completely new facade and three new businesses will open after renovations are complete.  As of last check they are Mom's Organic market, Beauty 4 U, and Kids First Swim School which will take up approx 25,600 sf of the center.  The current fitness center will remain.  There will be space available for smaller users.  If you are interested let us know.


  1. Hi Chris! I saw in an earlier post that you had made contact with Wegmans... any word on that? I'm excited to see Mom's coming down - but would LOVE to have a Wegmans in Charles County!!

    Thanks for your great site!

  2. have they already started the makeover?

  3. @Pam, Wegmans is something planned for a few years down the road. It will be a while if they do decide to come.

    @Christian, They are starting construction now.

  4. Is there an estimated time of completion?

  5. It's hard to say because unlike a complete teardown and rebuild, you have to deal with retrofitting existing structure. It would have been much easier to start fresh. I dont think it will be ready until sometime in the spring, weather permitting.

  6. It's nice that they are finally going through with upgrading such an eyesore! Are there any other shopping centers in the area slated for any kind of facelifts anytime soon?

  7. No other ones that I know of currently but the town plaza owned by simon malls could use one and pinefield center as well. I just visited the renovated shoppers food warehouse in waldorf and it was very nice.

  8. I really liked what Shoppers did to their store. It makes it a lot more functional now I think. I typically did shopping solely at Giant and Safeway but I think I will be going to Shoppers much more now. Is there any word on what they are doing at Shops At Waldorf? They only partially did some minor facelifts and I remember reading they were trying to attract another anchor tenant where CVS used to be next to Babies R Us. Any word on what that might end up being? Are they going to actually go through with the facelift on that center too because it looks pretty ridiculous that there are elements of a facelift (like the front of Roomstore) and right next to it nothing.

  9. I noticed they actually tore down the section were the Dollar King use to be. Do you know if they plan to replace that portion of the structure or just cut down the size of the entire building for more parking?

  10. You will see that portion return, they should have torn it all down and started fresh but the fitness center had to stay in business. If you click on the pic above it will show the whole building.


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